"Becoming" Official Video & Enter to Win a Boss Heavy Metal HM-2W
Watch the official video for Volbeat's latest single "Becoming" now!
Listen to "Becoming" and Volbeat's new album Servant Of The Mind for your chance to win a vintage and well-loved Boss HM2 like Michael used on the recording of "Becoming." The pedal is very rare & comes as is. Enter to win HERE.
New album Servant Of The Mind out now. Stream the album everywhere or grab a copy on vinyl here.
We were recording Servant Of The Mind in Jacob Hansen's studio, and we were about to record the song "Becoming." And it has that opening riff that's really inspired by the mighty Entombed, and you know, we just talked about why not put that Boss Heavy Metal HM-2W pedal on that Entombed was so well known for, and bands like Dismember and a lot of Swedish Death Metal bands, actually. It's the signature Death Metal Swedish distorted guitar sound, and it sounds disgustingly good (laughs). So, we thought, why not use that pedal on that riff? So, we did and it just ended up just sounding even more like Entombed, and it turned out to be a really good song and it was probably one of the most heavy riffs in Volbeat. But later on, of course, we were hearing the sad news about LG passing, a very sad day, and I think it is still very sad that he is not around. He was one of our really great friends. I had a lot of great conversations with LG. And we were always hanging out when it was it was possible, and talking and helping each other out, as well. So, we decided, later on, to actually dedicate "Becoming" to LG because of the great inspiration that we had in that song. So, yeah, "Becoming" has somehow become the LG song.
Every morning is a new day
Where we're born again
And becoming the center of the bliss
Laughing at the past
The skin is shredded in the back
And becoming the pieces of a mask
And with the devil's exit
Oh baby, the flames went higher and higher
Now finding peace and in Zen
And watching the flames go higher and higher
Silence is the best
Reply to a fool, remember that
And you're not falling
But just the better man
And with the devil's exit
Oh baby, the flames went higher and higher
Now finding peace and in Zen
And watching the flames go higher and higher
And with the devil's exit
Oh baby, the flames went higher and higher
Now finding peace and in Zen
And watching the flames go higher and higher
And with the devil's exit
Oh baby, the flames went higher and higher
Now finding peace and in Zen
And watching the flames go higher and higher